  1. Stickers

From the recording Stickers


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<p>I hate you when you're with me</p>
<p>And I love you when you leave me</p>
<p>I'd drive across this continent to see you and my babies</p>
<p>Because I'm beautiful and you're ugly</p>
<p>And you're sad when you're not with me</p>
<p>My love is strong and yours is weak</p>
<p>so come and kneel before me</p>
<p>But your actions make me doubt you</p>
<p>So I fly away without you</p>
<p>I'm an artist and a teacher</p>
<p>you're just sitting in the bleachers</p>
<p>But I wanted you to be the center of my world</p>
<p>I wanted you to lava me like no other girl</p>
<p>But you're just not at my level and could you imagine that</p>
<p>My Earth is flat</p>
<p>I hate you when you're with me</p>
<p>And I love you when you leave me</p>
<p>I'd drive across this continent to rescue my whole family</p>
<p>Because I'm lonely and you're angry</p>
<p>Let's just face it - we're not 20</p>
<p>You took our kids and YouTube sees I'm not exactly making money</p>
<p>but I'll send Bitcoin when I'm ready</p>
<p>The drinks aren't free when I'm with Eddie</p>
<p>A humble artist selling stickers</p>
<p>On my website and on Twitter</p>
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