♪ Lost Recording From Mars Colony 1 ♪


Felt like recording this old one. 

Sorry about the rant at the intro - I can't help myself sometimes. 


It's been rightly said that every artist will have to deal with the struggle between art and economics, and truth be told - this debate will rage on into your childrens and grandchildrens generation, so I don't think my opinion will change much of anything - but as you may be able to tell by now - I live my opinions.

I look at everything as its own thing as well as the things it may be interconnected to. We don't live in a vacuum - we are all connected in some way, shape or form (most of you reading this will be on Planet Earth, breathing air right now - so am I!), but when it comes to art - I've always just felt so strongly about it and its purity that I've avoided contaminating it with a monetary value. I know instruments cost money, I know hired guns don't play for free. Spare me the lecture. 

I'd be hard-pressed to put a price on the value of a true artist or his or her art. But you can feel free to have your own opinion. We all have to eat. Prostitutes have to eat too - and "go to college" - so what do we do? We use what we have to get what we want.

A song as old as time.


On a related topic, I wrote this song before I heard that its premise is a real thing, yeah baby they're sending humans to colonize Mars! Sign me up and get me the hell away from all these assholes! 




You can download the old demo from 2011 here - http://ats.adamjosh.com/music-194.html


Hello my lover, it's been too long for words
When this gets to you then I'll know that you've got the news
I wanted to tell you but you weren't awake
The trouble I'll get in, so much is at stake

Everywhere but home
I'm ending the blackout, I don't care if I'm caught
Everywhere but home
I wanted to tell you but you weren't awake
The trouble I'll get in, so much is at stake
I'm ending the blackout, I don't care if I'm caught
It's hard to explain but I'll give it a shot

They've locked me up here on this station between
I can't see clearly but you know what I mean
I can't tell you all the things that I've done
But I'll send you this song from Mars Colony 1

Well I left you on Earth a year, six months to this day
and I'm aiming but miss you girl, you're planets away
The missions top secret but I'll tell what I can
yeah I may be a Martian now but I'm still your man

Do you remember that night in Maine, I grabbed at your hand?
and I froze up then blurted "make me an honest man!"
Well hold that ring tight and blow a kiss to the sky
Yeah you know you're my angel girl but don't try to fly

Here I know you're not here but baby 'we're not alone'
And that'll have to do since there's no promises home
When you look at the stars at night imagine my eyes
and the one's that are falling girl are tears of surprise

And I never thought I'd say this but I'm ready for kids
I know you'll make someone mommies girl and that's how it is
So remember there's life out there, we're like a million to one
as I send you this song from Mars Colony 1

                                         - Adam Josh 20.07.2011




... and for the record, it is now 5:33pm and the song, video, and this blog are all online.

One hour, from start to finish - with a video on YouTube, an mp3 to download, and a blog! 

Keep that in mind next time some "artist" tells you that you have to wait for their next single or album to "drop" for months and months. It's a joke guys, they just want maximum dollar - not expression of art.